Sunday 4 November 2012

Crisis Antwerp

Yesterday I went to Crisis in Antwerp (
And as always with conventions I go with certain hopes and expectations. This time I was hoping to do some demo's for both Dreadball and Sedition Wars and get some stuff for my 15mm Insurgent army.
But as usual you end up with some highs and lows. Here are mine:

The Highs:
-This year Crisis moved to a new location. It was a very pleasant experience. Where the corridors were crowded last year, and you had to use your elbows to make room if you wanted to see something. There was plenty of room this year, you could see the tables clearly and talk to the ones participating without problem.
-The stands of both Wolsung, Eden and Bushido were really cool. Wolsung had this guy answering questions, dressed up in a steampunk uniform, including the high hat. There was also a very nice display table. Bushido had some very nice demo tables and I was able to do a demo here. The guy who did the demo was very kind, despite my many mistakes :), it was clear he was used doing this. Well I lost with the monks, but did get a good idea of the game and tactics involved. They also showed me a picture of the latest Ito green, a snake-warrior who looked really cool.
Taban (Eden) had a nice display board as well and did show of almost every mini. I remember that I still have to paint a lot of Bamaka's.
-At the Critical Mass site I pre-ordered some buildings to pick up at the convention. They where at half price this time. So I got the 3 sets of Arc Fleet buildings at £80 instead of £160, a very nice deal. I also received a free rulebook.
-Freebooters Fate had a new maw-dropping demo table. Well I had seen it online, but is always better in real life. I also picked up the LE Gunpowder Mary here.
-The super Dungeon Explorer table was very beautiful as well. I got this game lying around for almost a year now. Perhaps I got to blow of the dust and start assembling everything. Here's the link to see it:

The Lows:
-When I searched for Studio McVey, I finally found a map. It said: Studio McVey/Car broke down/Not here :(. Disappointment number one!
-Mantic did not give any demos. In fact, their stand was little more than a show for their products, with Dreadball almost not present (with a basicbox, just the box and not the contents and the package of the Delvers team). They were giving out flyers and answering questions, but that was about it. Very small for such a large company. Disappointment number two!.
-The scene and Ground Zero Games who were present last year did not come this year. So I had to order some more vehicles from the GZG site when I got home. Me and my friend were also hoping for Clockwork Goblin to come. But they were not there either. Some more disappointments.

Well, we had fun and did see a lot of cool tables.

That's about it for this time, I forgot to take my camera, so no photo's I'm afraid.


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