Sunday 13 May 2018

The Lost Children

Last week was a week full with frantic painting as the competition is nearing its conclusion.
I spend so many hours behind my painting desk (our dinner table actually) that my shoulders started aching near the end of the week.
Seeing that I wasn't going to be able to finish it all, but had enough for the competition, I decided to call it quits and took a break yesterday.
The rest will be finished in the next couple of weeks.

Koi'Koi's children is a bit of a special project for me.
Not only because I was partially responsible for the creation of Koi'Koi and Jakiin, but also because the ferals remind me a lot of the lost boys from the Peter Pan story (though they are not really orphans).
A story I have liked since I was a little kid, despite discovering it's darker sides when I grew up.
Koi'Koi itself is a bit of an old fagin, using his protegees to further his own ends and needs.
His name is actually the name of the turtle I had at home, who was named after the first word my eldest son uttered when he was younger. We're still not sure what he meant though :D.
As Jakiin is named after my youngest: Jaquin, I felt it my responsibility to make an avatar for my two other sons as well, especially as they have showed interest in the game.

Paintingwise, I went for a more sober look compard to the official scheme Joe did. Not only because this suits my painting style better, but also because it speeds up the painting process as there are less colours to work with.
I did some research regarding the bodypaint used by african tribes and noticed that many were done in white, so that's the colour I went with.
I wasn't able to finish Benarii (modeled after my second eldest Benjamin), Lek'Saa with her four grishak jenta and my dompaku, but these will be done in the following weeks.
As I've been neglecting my duties in the Household chores to get everything done in time, I will have less hobbytime and they will probably take a week or so for each figure to finish.

Jakiin was already nearly finished when I started the project, which means he already had his base adorned with different kinds of grass tufts. However, I didn't take these with me to Australia which is why his base is out of sync with the bases of all the others.

The brave on the left is Jon'aa (Jonathan), the one on the right the regular one.

For my mutts I went for an unusual dark colourscheme, where I too my inspiration from the Uruk Hai from LoTR. They are all decorated by a three-fingered white hand :).

That's it for now, thanks a lot for reading!
Until next time!



  1. Looks fantastic Wouter ! Superb paintjob !

    1. Thanks a lot Mario!
      I hate painting units, so I didn't mind to call these guys done at all 😁.

  2. Looking really great sir!
    warm regards and have a nice day!

    1. Thanks a lot for the kind words Michal!

  3. Oh wow! These look absolutely stunning, I really love the skin patterns and war paint.

    1. Thank you very much Michael.
      I really should catch up on your blog too.

  4. Not only they look really amazing, but knowing the story behind I have to say I'm so impressed! Wow, bravo!!

    1. Thank you very much Suber!
      It's the kind of warband you keep on building on, just because it's closer to your heart. Looking back at them I think they do have a bit of this 'Lost boys' vibe 😊.

  5. I love the story almost as much as I love the paint jobs. The warpaint and skin pigmentation combine in such absorbing ways. I love it, Wouter! They're worth all your hard work.

    1. That's a lot of praise, thank you very much Matthew!

  6. Very nicely done ... nice choice of colors too! :)

    1. It tool me a while to reply, but thank you very much!

  7. Diversified and beautiful figures...and the paint job is awesome!

    1. Sorry for the very late reply.
      Thank you for the kind words!
