Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Taking the lead

At last I finished my 50TV for my Southern force.
It took me a bit longer than expected because I was a few days away for work, celebrated our wedding anniversary and my wife's birthday, all in one week ;-).
Well, 50TV down, up to the next wave.
I actually have next 50TV planned already and assembled most of my CEF.
As my friend and regular opponent really want to start using his Black Talons, my south will be on hold for a little while.
The idea is to first learn the basic rules (without most of the EW rules) with my South and CEF and then learn the EW rules with EW (ECM, ECCM, TD, ...) heavy troops, something the Black Talons excel at with their owls.

The commander is actually a Christmas exclusive on a base I ripped from a Warrior IV chieftain from the PRDF.
As it is part of a destroyed hun, the commander looks a bit as if wants revenge for the destruction of his material :-).
 Group shot:
Some more hover tanks next time.
Thank you for reading!


  1. I like the tiny blue....lights?
    Any thoughts on basing the tank? I suppose your hovertanks will need bases.

    1. Thanks, the small subs were indeed painted as small lights. Representing sensors or signaling lights.
      The hover tanks will be based like the ones in my 'War on Terra Nova' post.
      I'm still trying to find a good rocky or desert base for my Hun though.

    2. Basius has those cool stampers that let you make textured bases out of green stuff. Probably works well for Heavy gear stuff as it's not slotta base...

    3. That's a great tip, thanks!
      I'll check them out.

  2. Amazing work. Great bases and painting.

  3. The Basius stamps ARE AWESOME!!!!!!

    I'm loving all your Mech work here lately man, sorry I haven't been posting much!

    1. Thanks! I hope to see more of your progress soon :).
